GOD OWN MINISTRIES WW is about serving those in need. This also means providing material needs (food, clothing, shelter) in an appropriate manner to people who need them.God Own Ministries is a “lighthouse” in the community. spread and prepare its members to proclaim the Gospel.


Our Goal

Our goal is to remain faithful to the teaching of the apostles, who formed community together, broke bread and devoted themselves to prayer.

According to the scriptures, the purpose/activities of the church should be:

(1) teaching Bible doctrine;

(2) provide a place where believers can form community with one another;

(3) observe the Lord’s Supper;

(4) pray for all;

(5) to lift and help all people of different religions, the elderly, the young, the disabled and people with disabilities from depression and isolation.

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

Jakobus 1 vers 27


Our mission is to bind up all the brokenhearted, to proclaim release for those in prison, to comfort those who mourn through the word. (Isaiah 61 verse 1)

Our mission is also to lead people to their Divine destiny. And to help people, give them shelter, help widows, build poor children and schools. To comfort people. And to preach the gospel, just like Jesus Christ who went around doing good, healing people and casting out demons, feeding the poor. (Acts 10:38)


To bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the discouraged, the brokenhearted, the captives, and all who mourn. And that all may come to repentance unto Jesus Christ.

Policy Plan


The board wants to commit itself to realizing more projects and a new way of fundraising in the coming year. In this way it can raise the necessary funds, publicize the foundation, make more publications and realize activities (in collaboration with other organizations). She does this for people of different religions, for the elderly, young people, disabled people, people with disabilities, people with depression and people with injuries. She also helps people out of isolation.



The foundation does not employ any volunteers, all activities are carried out on a voluntary basis. The board members only receive compensation for costs actually incurred. In the near future, depending on the growth and development of the organization, the remuneration policy will be adjusted.

ANBI Information

RSIN:  857673774
Kvk nummer: 68978863
Kerkbankrekeningnummer: NL52INGB0009073240 t.n.v. Stg. God Own Ministries
Statutaire naam: Stichting God Own Ministries Worldwide, ook genoemd: ST. GOMW
Activiteitsomschrijving: Kerkgenootschap

Statutaire zetel:  Gemeente Amsterdam Stichting God Own Ministries Worldwide